Cultural Crusies and Wommin Retreats 2024
2024 Dates:
Sunday December 15th
Limited Seats - Full Moon Event 2-6pm

Explore our site to learn more about the Currie Country from one of the largest Traditional Owner Families within the Aboriginal Yugembeh Bundjalaung nations of South East QLD, and Far North NSW.
We are the descendants of James and Ellen Currie. Learn about our history, our connections our country, and our Aboriginal knowledge systems that exist in the Tweed Coast as you connect to the country we call 'Currie Country'.
We offer Cultural Immersion Experience - Education - Environmental Expertise
Our vision is to lead from our Nation
#Firstnationsleading #communityleadingcommunity
If you would like to collaborate feel free to get in touch.
Learning and embracing Indigenous values of eco above ego is a practice and we encourage you to join us on Full Moon Cruise or a New Moon River Bank Event every month.
We practice how to manage self, connect with self + the practice of communication to the Earth for knowledge, guidance + sense of security that you are worthy, you are valued + you are loved by something far greater than yourself. We share Aboriginal philosophy, Aboriginal spirituality values, and Aboriginal sciences for you to gain insight into our culture, understanding it juxtaposed against the world's ancient cultures and beliefs.
Mindfulness is connected to the magic of inner harmony, experience cultural connection on a guided learning sharing experience.
These events are pivately curated, and are created with you.
We are currently offering 2022
Jiran (Seven Sisters), Nyah (Senses), and Baya (Come into view)
A private retreat over one or a few days - developed to ignite and inspire. We partner with private chefs, offer a private island for you and your guests, explore country, and waterways while
Enquiries can be made via Tweed Eco Cruises 07 - 5536 8800

Most Indigenous nations have natural topographical boundaries.
Currie Country is bounded by the Logan River (QLD) to the North, the Brunswick River (NSW) in the South + West to the Albert River (QLD).
These rivers flow North to South via the Rous River. The connection of these waterways is Currie Country. Jame's + Ellen's eight surviving children were all born 'on country'.
We respectfully call these Elders the
'Solum Eight'.
Learn more about Aboriginal boundaries, history, totems, land lore, and culture by joining us in an CC Experience, or sign up for CC Education.

Aboriginal Values, Philosophy and Theology
Currie Country Thinkers Circle
A conversation circle that meets monthly (full moon and new moon), and explores Aboriginal philosophy, Aboriginal sciences to help shape and understand the principles of eco before ego.
Supported by online class and access to teaching videos, resources and an intimate community.
A wonderful journey for conscious parents, and caregivers, Aboriginal educators, change-makers, and those seeking to create new communities and #bethechange
Blessings, Connection Ceremonies, Language, Women's Events, Welcome to Country and Minyungbal language speakers.
Connect to home - Connect to self - Connet to Spirit
Aboriginal Values Into Practice
Learn more bout these practices, the conscious thinking involved by joining Currie Country Thinking Circle.

Native Food Systems, Health, and Healing
Learn about seasons, food systems, and native food uses.
Buy Native Food in our Online Shop or visit us at local markets weekly
Join and subscribe to
CC Native Foods Circle
Visit Native Food with Currie Country at Pocket Herbs (Burringbah)
River Forage to Farm Experience
Enquires 07 55 36 8800

Explore, Discover, Renew
Share our country through our eyes, activating your understanding and love for culture.
Adopt the practices, imbue the spiritual connection into your ceremony of love, or just journey with us, to renew your understanding of the place we call home.
Currie Country offers curated private events education, inspiration, and communally connection for the sophisticated globally-minded sojourner.
2022 - Limited Offerings
'Baya' (come into view) - A poignant reveal of Asian Aboriginal and Melanesian history of this continent and told through our eyes, and with incredible food, ritual, and reverence.
This experience is part of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival - Greenstone + Gold at Rockpool Melbourne.
'Nyah' (senses) offers connection through food, trade, and exchange, and tells of a continent rich with science, philosophy, and connection and systems that support the thriving of all things including humans, and how we may embrace these notions to enrich our spirits and senses.
Nyah is part of the experience with Ides as part of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival called 'Jiran Kuurrokeheaar' where we will honour Waa, the crow who plays a central part in the 'star lores'. Kuurrokeheaar is known as Seven Sisters, the constellation known in the west as the Pleiades, that features prominently in many Aboriginal cultures, and is known to us as Jiran.
Sign up to learn about the depth of Aboriginal culture and join us in the practice of ceremony.
Getting married on country, renewing connection, age ceremonies, birth or death.
We invite you to adopt cultural aspects + add some sacred elements to make your commitment on our country aligned with our Indigenous values so your spirit belongs to this land forever.
We share with you the embrace of country.
Time Immemorial
Creating a new way means revealing hidden histories + integrating culture into all life's classrooms, centring a child in Indigenous values of connection to place and present so that the future of Australia is not burdened by past misdeeds.
We can assist the individual or business in the learning + unlearning journey.